Doesn't the milk/cream mixture need to be heated?

I made one of Erin Jeanne Mcdowell's recipes for custard pie, almost identical to this recipe. The texture was "off" on the finished pie. I looked at other custard pie recipes and they all say to heat the milk and cream mixture to scalding first on the stove and then add it gradually to the sugar/egg mixture. Why does Jeanne not do it this way? (She doesn't heat up the milk/cream mixture first) I can only guess that is the reason the texture of the custard was "off" after baking? The heat makes everything well incorporated? Thanks!

Robin Torres
Coconut Custard Pie
Recipe question for: Coconut Custard Pie


Erin J. March 22, 2021
Hi there! There are definitely lots of different methods for custard pie, but scalding the dairy isn’t really a requirement). Typically, texture problems are a result of baking - if the custard was too loose, it may have been under baked a smidge. If it was too rubbery, it was likely over baked. You can definitely try scalding the dairy before mixing the custard for this recipe (let it cool at least 5 min first before adding the remaining ingredients), but proper baking will help you achieve that beautiful silky-smooth custard texture! Happy Baking!
Robin T. March 22, 2021
Thank you for responding Erin! I feel so special. :) Well I did some more thinking and I think I know the reason the texture was off on the custard. I used egg yolks that I had frozen before and I didn't "treat" them first with added sugar or salt before freezing, (which I learned later that's what you're supposed to do.) That explains it.

By the way I love your "The Book on Pie". I have never made a pie crust so flaky before in my life from your recipe. I was so proud. Thank you!
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