My bread had risen and I dropped it when I went to put it in the oven, will it rise again.

Carol DeMuth


mijikin March 22, 2024
I too dropped my whole wheat bread dough today just as I was about to put it in the oven. I let it rise again and baked it, and it's fine, phew. So if that happens to you, don't throw away that dough.
AntoniaJames July 27, 2021
By the time you get this answer, you should know based on what actually happened . . . . it should rise, but the loaf likely won't be as high as it would had you not dropped it.

That's because the heat of the oven will still create steam that will expand the loaf to make it larger.

It will still taste good, though, even if it's not quite as high. If all else fails, you can use it for French toast, croutons, tartines, bread crumbs, toast, etc.

By the way, I'm interested in knowing how it actually did turn out, so please report back! Thanks. ;o)
AnnaD March 8, 2024
This happened to me today. I caught the edge of my pan on the lip of my oven rack and just dropped the dough into the oven on the rack. I went looking for help and found this post. I still didn't know what to do so I put it back in the pan, covered it and kept it in a warm space. It rose again! Looked just like it did before. So I baked it and it came out unscathed! Tastes good and has a nice crumb. I forgot to say the this was a sourdough sandwich bread. No added yeast just wild yeast from the sourdough.
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