No mention of sausage in the ingredient list. How much sausage and how to cook it?

Rose Morelli


AntoniaJames October 25, 2021
For this recipe and the quantities stated, I'd use a half pound of links, which I'd cook in olive oil in the pot at the very outside, until firm enough to slice. I'd brown thin slices of the sausage until crispy (which will create brown bits on the bottom of the pot), then remove the sausage, and proceed with the recipe. Sausage makes lentil soup altogether delicious. ;o)
702551 October 22, 2021
The third photo in the recipe's slideshow shows six sausages.

This type of recipe is extremely adaptable. Use as many sausages as you want. If you only have two and want to use them, go ahead. If you have no sausages, that's fine as well.

Like so many traditional Italian recipes, this is peasant food, not haute cuisine. Using beans to stretch out a paltry amount of meat is not specific to Italian cuisine. Pretty much every cuisine on this planet has traditional methods in stretching a paltry amount of premium ingredients into other dishes.
Happygoin October 22, 2021
The sausages are an optional ingredient the author talks about in the head notes.

I’d use anywhere from four to six sausages, depending in their length. How to use them in the recipe is in the steps.
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