So... about all of these Easter eggs....

that were unrefrigerated (but fairly cool) for most of a day... they look fine, smell fine... are they really fine?

  • Posted by: saenyc
  • April 25, 2011
Question image


CazHill April 26, 2011
Those are the most beautiful colored eggs I have ever seen!
betteirene April 25, 2011
Nice. Very nice. I did that when my sons were very young, but mine weren't anywhere near as vibrant as yours. I'll have to try it again next year with the grandkids.

I've never factored Easter Sunday into the expiration date of boiled eggs. The clock doesn't start ticking until the leftovers are put into the refrigerator after dinner.
saenyc April 25, 2011
the blue egg was, weirdly, red cabbage. I was skeptical but it worked... but again, that was probably soaking for six hours.
Kayb April 25, 2011
What did the blue egg come from? I'd add my vote to the "they're fine" side. Highly recommend making your favorite egg salad, adding crumbled bacon and grated cheddar, and broiling on toast. Wonderful!
Sadassa_Ulna April 25, 2011
Author Comment
I always say if you have to guess,better not take chances. with that said, if you properly cooked the eggs and the shells are not damaged and you have an uncomprimised inmune system.
egg salad sandwiches for lunch!
I also enjoy a good pickled egg!
here is an old family recipe...
1 cup vinegar
3 cups water
2 Tbs. salt
3 Tbs. sugar
2 roasted beets
1/2 onion sliced
6 to 10 peeled hard cooked eggs.

In a cleaned and sanitized jar with a tight fitting lid. To sanitize simply use a little bleach and water solution to wash the container. Layer the beets, onion, and eggs in the jar. meanwhile in a saucepan bring the water, vinegar, salt, and sugar to a boil and pour carefully over the food in the jar. let cool to room temperature and then store in the refridgerator for 7 to 10 days.
The eggs will take on the magenta hue and beety flavor. They make beautiful and delicious develed eggs.
boulangere April 25, 2011
Gorgeous colors, and I think you're fine with the eggs.
saenyc April 25, 2011
took a few hours... you can't really dip and dye... more of a long soak.
hazeddazed April 25, 2011
sorry, that was a "quote" question... how long is the natural process?
saenyc April 25, 2011
thanks hazed, this was the first non-Paz year.... red cabbage makes blue, beets makes red, coffee: brown, turmeric: yellow, and i think green was a mix of onion skins? it was pretty cool.... definitely not as fast as the artificial stuff, but very fun.
hazeddazed April 25, 2011
thanks hazed, this was the first non-Paz year.... red cabbage makes blue, beets makes red, coffee: brown, turmeric: yellow, and i think green was a mix of onion skins? it was pretty cool.... definitely not as fast as the artificial stuff, but very fun.
hazeddazed April 25, 2011
i had always heard that it was a "smell" thing... that you'd know a bad egg, so to speak, pretty easily.

i have to say though... those are beautiful eggs - great colors!
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