Can you use an immersion blender right in pot?

For this recipe, instead of having the hassle of trying to transfer items in and out of a blender, can you just use an immersion blender right in the pot itself? Please advise...and thank you!

  • Posted by: JR
  • December 29, 2022
Butternut Squash Soup
Recipe question for: Butternut Squash Soup


702551 December 29, 2022
I would definitely try it.

My immersion blender is cheap and wimpy so it might not pulverize every molecule of solid matter but I would then decide whether or not it was necessary to strain. In most cases I would probably skip.

Up to you based on your personal preferences and those who will be joining you at your dinner table.

For sure a restaurant cook would whip out an immersion blender. Far more efficient from a time standpoint.

Best of luck.
Nancy December 30, 2022
And/or a potato masher if you need to get some bigger chunks broken down.
JR December 30, 2022
Thanks for the reply! :-)
JR December 30, 2022
Thanks for the reply! :-)
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