A question about a recipe: Affogato

If I were to try and make ice cream or gelato-is it possible to make sans ice cream maker by just freezing?I am disabled and limited income currently.I thought you could make a granita in the freezer but not ice cream or gelato.If only with ice cream maker-any good suggestions for low to moderate $ range?Appreciate the help Ladies and Happy Mothers Day! Michael

Recipe question for: Affogato


vvvanessa May 11, 2011
i just came across this, which is soething i really want to try now:
bigmike1 May 9, 2011
Thanks Amanda,drbabs, and boulangere!Will try all suggestions-I will send pics with success-keep cooking
drbabs May 8, 2011
Michael, do you have freecycle in your area? People post things they want to get rid of and you can claim them. Once you have posted "offers," you can also post "wants," and if someone has what you want, they will give it to you. Check out www.freecycle.org for more information.
boulangere May 8, 2011
Also, you can immerse a stainless steel bowl in a larger bowl of very icy water. Pour you custard into the empty bowl and use a spatula to gently scrape around the sides and bottom, duplicating the action of an electric machine.
Amanda H. May 8, 2011
You could make semifreddo which combines whipped meringue and whipped cream before freezing, so you get a similar air-filled cream dessert without needing an ice cream maker.
Here's a recipe from Epicurious: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Pistachio-Semifreddo-236953 And if you do choose to invest in an ice cream maker, this Cuisinart one is a handy, reasonably-priced model: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=cuisinart+ice+cream+maker&hl=en&client=gmail&rls=gm&prmd=ivnsr&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1187&bih=582&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=18049830548672221405&sa=X&ei=rjvHTcbjD8H1gAf-lvTKBA&ved=0CMkBEPMCMAc#
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