
I recently learned about punchfork from gothamgal. It seems as though, as opposed to a google search, punchfork actually draws from what I would consider to be some of the better recipe blogs i.e. smitten kitchen, 101 cookbooks, serious eats, martha stewart, food52 (though sadly not as prevalent), etc. In light of Amanda's post about google recipe searches, I was wondering whether others have used punchfork and what folks think of it. I'd be interested in what Amanda thinks as well.

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • July 31, 2011


Rodney B. July 31, 2011
I've been using Punchfork since it went live.

What I like about the site is that it just seems to know what I'm looking for when searching for recipes based on ingredients.

It gives me an easy way to find the perfect recipe along with a visual of what it will look like when prepared and lets me fav or print it immediately.

Voted the Best Reply!

Brette W. July 31, 2011
From what I can understand about the site, what's so great about it is that it uses a variety of factors - including action on social media sites, comments, etc - to determine a recipe's popularity, and its subsequent place in search results. So, a great recipe from a smaller blog, with lots of shares and comments, is more likely to pop up than a mediocre recipe from a bigger site that is optimized for search engines like Google. By searching on Punchfork, then, you are generally going to get recipes that are more reliable - they have the "popularity" to prove it.

It also doesn't hurt that the recipe sites that use Punchfork, like the ones you mentioned above, are all pretty great!
Amanda H. July 31, 2011
I haven't used it that much yet, but like it a lot so far. We were in touch with them this week about our recipe content, so hopefully we'll be a greater presence on the site soon. Looking forward to hearing others' thoughts, as well.
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