What is the schedule / timing for community picks?

Good Morning! Have the community picks gone to an every other week schedule as well? I kept checking for the community and Team Food52 ones yesterday to no avail ...



fiveandspice October 28, 2011
Thanks Francesca! That's good to know. I think we're all trying to figure out this new schedule together, and just really don't want to miss anything!
francesca G. October 28, 2011
Hi all! So sorry for the delay -- the post will be up within the our and tweeted out, etc. Takes a bit more now that we photograph and combine the two old time Editors' Picks posts so we're settling into our new schedule. Thanks for holding tight! Cheers.
hardlikearmour October 28, 2011
I've been wondering this myself. I did notice they added testing notes to the community tested picks from the holiday roast contest yesterday.
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