
Recipes to Pair With Hot Sauce

March 26, 2014

We're all about collections over at Provisions -- so following that lead, we'll be making recipe collections to go alongside those that are in Provisions. Because recipes want to be together, too.

??Today: Can you handle the heat? Take a taste of some of the finest hot sauces around. 

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Some like it hot, and some like it very hot. Whether it's five-alarm level chili, or a mild, peppery salsa, very good ingredients make all the difference -- and hot sauce is something you should keep on hand for a few reasons. First, it's versatile -- use it on everything from eggs to meat to soup. Second, it instantly brightens lackluster food. And if you really love heat, try something different, like a spicy chili caramel sauce over ice cream, or a Greek-style hot sauce with oregano and dill.


For some inspiration, here are a few dishes we think would be even better with a few drops of Srirachup or old-school Tabasco sauce.



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