The Shop

12 Stylish Storage Solutions for Every Room in Your House

October  4, 2017

On the list of things we all wish we had more of, time and money would probably be right up top, followed quickly by storage space. And the desire for more closets and cupboards isn’t just the plight of studio apartment dwellers; it seems to be an unknown law of physics that collections grow to eventually fill the largest of spaces. Even the most ample closets could use a bit more organization and even the tidiest of rooms could probably use a bin or basket to help manage the mess.

But before you stock up on those run-of-the-mill plastic bins and boxes in the name of neatness, consider some of these far more stylish solutions. There are baskets for blankets and baby toys; racks for towels and linens; catchalls for…well…catching it all; tool boxes that would serve just as well as a remote control hideaway or an organizer for desk supplies; and much more. When you're storage looks this good, you won't want to hide it away.

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