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Nancy S.
November 17, 2019
Here are my latest changes to reduce plastic: 1) I now buy bread from a local bakery and have them put the sliced loaf into my linen bag, instead of a plastic one. At home the loaf goes into a metal box with a tight fitting lid. Skeptical at first, my husband says the bread stays just as fresh as in plastic. We will save more than a 100 plastic bags a year with this change. 2) Instead of spray-on stain treatment in plastic bottles, I now use a bar of Fels Naptha soap, which comes in a paper wrapper. Just rub the bar on the stain and wash the garment as usual. (I use powder detergent in recyclable cardboard box). 3) For washing my hair, I have changed to a shampoo bar and vinegar rinse, instead of liquid shampoo/conditioner in plastic bottles. Every month I try to add at least one new plastic-free option. We may never be plastic free in our home, but we've made some good strides
November 17, 2019
Don't know what your hair is like, but I was able to switch to a combo of 2 cups water to a teaspoon of baking soda instead of shampoo. I soak my scalp with is, massage it (ahhhh, relaxing) then rinse. If my hair seems particularly dry, I follow up with an apple cider and water rinse (1:4 ratio). I have dry, curly hair and found this in the Curly Girl book. have been doing it for about 8 months now and like the way my hair feels plus it doesn't irritate my super sensitive skin (redhead curse).
As to bread, I'm going to try what you are doing until I can get to a point where I'm baking out own (long-term goal). I would so love a grocer in my area that would offer everything packaging free, but I suspect the plastics lobby would pitch a fit and put a ton of $$$ into a campaign against that like they did every time a town has pushed for a plastic bag ban.
As to bread, I'm going to try what you are doing until I can get to a point where I'm baking out own (long-term goal). I would so love a grocer in my area that would offer everything packaging free, but I suspect the plastics lobby would pitch a fit and put a ton of $$$ into a campaign against that like they did every time a town has pushed for a plastic bag ban.
Meghan W.
November 18, 2019
Thank you for this. All great. We are doing many of the same here and I'm trying to avoid buying any produce in plastic along with always reusing bags. Are you able to source your vinegar in bulk? We do have a bulk store in Boulder, so I'll check there. I suppose reusing the glass jars works well.
Nancy S.
November 18, 2019
Thank you for the baking soda tip for cleaning hair. I've made a note to myself to try it when my shampoo bar is exhausted. I agree that baking bread would be the most frugal option; however, I tried it and it was unsustainable. Scheduling regular time to bake was too challenging. Stopping by the bakery on a circuit of errands is more doable at this time.
November 18, 2019
Rigth now the best I can do is by the 3-pack of apple cider vinegar at Costco (glass bottles), but I'd love it if I could brind my own container and just refill as needed.
November 18, 2019
The only way I can attempt bread baking for now is using the "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" recipe books (make a big batch of dough that can live in the fridge for the week and pull off some to bake as we need it). I think with just the two of us and not eating bread daily probably helps. Also, we moved from a larger city that had a lot of great bread bakeries to one that doesn't (although I've heard one may be opening up later this year--hope, hope, hope) so plastic-bag-free options are limited for now (and, you know, the big chain store breads just don't taste as good as those amazing indie bakeries).
Suzanne N.
August 21, 2019
Buy or make reusable bags for fruit and veg that need to be held together - there is no excuse for using a plastic bag and produce section anymore. My mesh bags are in a pouch clipped to my handbag. Things already in plastic that's something harder to change!
January 13, 2019
We are very lucky here in New Zealand because most of our supermarkets (soon to be all) have stopped using 'single use' plastic shopping bags. If you forget to bring a bag with you, you can purchase a reusable cotton bag from the store. Also our local McDonalds has stopped using plastic straws unless you specifically ask for one
September 12, 2018
We do most of these things (especially avoiding plastic toys, yikes) for similar reasons as the families interviewed. I was horrified, however, when we threw a birthday party recently and I realized how much waste was involved just for water and a treat. I hadn't done a good job planning ahead and so in a pinch I ended up purchasing water bottles and disposable plates at the nearest store. It was so wasteful, and so against my internal ethics. We will budget better next time for compostable dishware/utensils, invest in an insulated water jug (also good for camping), or just bring dinnerware and wash it when we get home (in this particular case we didn't own enough place settings do that). I'm choosing not to beat myself up over it, but it was just an area of waste that surprised me.
Gail M.
September 9, 2018
We could do so much more if we always brought our own cup to the coffee shop for take out. Or stay in. Just think of the difference that would make.
Meghan W.
September 9, 2018
I cut cheesecloth into large rectangles and use a rubber band at the top to wrap my produce purchases that need securing.
September 9, 2018
I crocheted market bags and take to farmers market and grocery store.
September 9, 2018
Hi Queen Celeste ,I went on Pinterest and found several market bag patterns for free. Type in crocheted farmer market bags or just do a google search there are a lot of free patterns out there ...I use cotton yarn.
Gabrielle B.
September 8, 2018
One thing I started doing was using one plastic bag for my produce and putting all the veg in that bag then, at the counter, I take out and weight each item. Then put it all back in the bag. It seems to annoy the cashier but, I say I’m sorry, I’m saving the planet❤️ I have purchased reusable produce bags, but I don’t always remember them. The writers are right. It is a mind set!
Megan F.
September 6, 2018
I actually repurpose the plastic mesh bags that I buy oranges in. I have 10 now so all my fruit gets bagged and the checkout ladies are used to it now (before they thought it was a new special they were unaware of)
September 5, 2018
I saw reusable, washable mesh bags (similar to lingerie laundering bags but smaller and tighter mesh) recommended and got some. Great for purchasing produce and avoiding plastic store bags.
January 13, 2019
Thanks for all the good ideas. We use cotton or hemp shopping bags which we keep in the car so they are always on hand. After shopping we take the groceries into the house, empty the bags then put them immediately back into the car. We have bought cotton fruit/vege bags so we don't have to use the plastic ones but on the odd occasion that we do, we reuse them til they almost fall apart, then sticky tape them back together and keep using them
September 5, 2018
I use an empty yogurt container for my leftovers at restaurants. You have to plan ahea, of course, and tote it along. But this saves servers time and energy since I can place my leftovers in it myself, and it’s one less throw away container to recycle or toss.
September 6, 2018
Awesome idea! In Bengaluru, restaurants like MTR insist you bring your own boxes for take out.
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