This Trick to Removing Grease Stains Is Also the Simplest
Psst: You already own everything you need.
Photo by Julia Gartland

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October 23, 2022
Carbona. There’s a formula for every kind of stain imaginable. My only complaint is the bottles are really small. I purchase as a subscription through Amazon.
September 28, 2022
Thank you for the cleaning tips! Did you know that baby powder can be used to remove oil stains? Check out our blog post to learn how to use baby powder to remove oil stains. How To Use Baby Powder To Remove Oil Stains
June 6, 2022
Another trick I found was using 99% rubbing alcohol (or even clear vodka) to remove grease stains from already laundered and dried clothing. I frequently take dark shirts out of the laundry after pretreating stains (with lestoil, which usually works) but they are still there. I dab a little rubbing alcohol on them and they disappear! Magic! Rubbing alcohol also removes sap from cars using a cotton ball (so you don't scratch your car), do a small test first to make sure paint doesn't come off.
5am I.
June 3, 2022
What about when you wear your glasses first time in laundy and get shocked to discover big old blotches of grease in several shirts and tees? 😫
June 3, 2022
Use Dawn liquid dish soap (must be Dawn!) directly on the stains. Rub it in, let it sit for a few minutes, and then throw your clothes in the washer. Works on old stains, too!
Ginger B.
June 2, 2022
Since I read about Fels-Naptha soap on a blog about 10+ years ago, it's been my go-to for greasy stains and it works every time! You've got to spray a little water (or stain spray, like Seventh Generation) on the stain, rub the bar of Fels-Naptha into it to create a lather, then let it sit at least 10 minutes. Another fantastic stain remover for paint stains (even nail enamel!) is artist's brush cleaner and restorer (I use Windsor & Newton brand). It will soften any kind of dried paint from clothing to be gently scrubbed away. Wash as usual and your item is good as new! Sadly, it doesn't work on grout stains, however...
Becky W.
March 17, 2020
My Mom had great luck with ballpoint stains on clothing using hair spray and cold water. Worked every time!
June 6, 2022
One time my husband left a pen in his pants pocket. It was all over his many pairs of khakis and shirts. I read about the hairspray and went to work. It took a while, but in the end I removed all of the ink stains. I now check all of his pockets before washing!
Karen C.
June 27, 2019
I grew up going to the Jersey shore, where oil tankers leaving NY harbor would "rinse" out their tanks with sea water. All that oil would wash up on the beach in blobs, and we kids would come home with it on our feet. My grandmother would make us sit on the stoop and use Lestoil to clean it off before we were allowed in the house. Now I use Lestoil directly on grease stains on my clothes before washing in warm water (not cold). Might take a couple of treatments, but it works.
Marsha S.
June 27, 2019
We've been using Palmolive for years! Works like a charm! My husband first tried now he's our dedicated stain remover!!!!!!!
May 27, 2019
I've been using dish soap on stains for caveat I've discovered when using a)enzyme-based soap (like Seventh Generation) on b) fabrics with a no-iron finish: The enzyme apparently eats away the finish on the garment, which doesn't "bleach" it per se but leaves a "light" patch that is only visible in certain lighting. It's an odd effect and it took a time or two to figure out what had happened, but since discovering this I've made a point of using something else (usually Fels-Naptha soap) on my husband's slacks and button-up shirts.
May 26, 2019
I’m a baby powder aficionado as well. I carry a tiny one in my carryon which has saved my limited wardrobe while traveling.
May 26, 2019
thanks for the great article. this is really nitpicky, but you didn't catch a "waft" of the burgers - you caught a "whiff"
May 26, 2019
I just did this to get coffee out of a pair of white jeans! Soaked in Dawn soap, vinegar and water and the stain is gone! The stain had been there for 8 hours so had set in. It really works, I love Dawn soap.
May 26, 2019
I’m a Dawn fan, too. It even works on old, previously laundered grease stains.
May 26, 2019
I have found when using this technique, the fabric has changed color. Is there a way to avoid this?
May 26, 2019
Sounds like a plan if you’re going home right after removing the stain! How do Day at the event, and walk around with a big wet stain on your chest while it dries.
May 20, 2019
for wine stains on tablecloths, I immediately cover with a mound of salt to absorb, then launder; if I can't do that immediately, up to 24 hours later, I boil a kettle of water, arrange the stained section slightly stretched over a colander in the sink and with the kettle slightly elevated, pour the boiling water directly onto the stain. I sometimes have to repeat a couple of times but it generally takes out all or most of the stain.
May 20, 2019
Use either liquid Tide or Persil Laundry Detergent. Rub a tidy dot into the stain gently with your finger and then do the same on the reverse side of the stain.
Another way is to go to the Dollar Tree store and buy a 32 ounce spray bottle of “Totally Awesome Stain Remover” and follow the above mentioned procedure. The key is to get the stain early.
As for dish detergent, Palmolive is the strongest grease fighter ever made.
Another way is to go to the Dollar Tree store and buy a 32 ounce spray bottle of “Totally Awesome Stain Remover” and follow the above mentioned procedure. The key is to get the stain early.
As for dish detergent, Palmolive is the strongest grease fighter ever made.
May 24, 2019
Dawn is the best dish detergent grease fighter....used in many commercial kitchesn.....
Lori W.
May 26, 2019
Dawn was create to cut grease was used of birds during the Valdes oil spill. Noting is better
April 1, 2020
Does anyone know what's special about Dawn? I used to use dish detergent for grease stains very successfully, but it is much less reliable now. I've speculated it's because there are so many different types of grease nowadays, and I haven't yet found anything that works on all of them. I've also wondered if the Dawn you get in the US is a different formulation from Canadian Dawn...
October 23, 2022
Well, if you love Dawn, try the pro-strength, but wear gloves when you use it. It’s incredible, but you really do need to protect your hands.
Michelle M.
May 20, 2019
If you forget dish soap when traveling, your travel-size shampoo works nearly as well. Shampoo also designed to cut through oils.
May 20, 2019
I learned from midwives at a home birth that hydrogen peroxide will easily take out blood. Even dried - as long as it’s treated before washing.
Michelle M.
May 20, 2019
Peroxide needs to be throughly rinsed out immediately after use or color fade of fabric is almost inevitable. Oxyclean dissolved in warm water is good for blood as well.
May 20, 2019
Also for any oil -based stain (that maybe you didn't catch right away or you had no access to dishsoap at the time of the stain)- baby powder! Just lay the garment out, tap some onto any oily spot and let sit for a bit before washing like you normally would - gets it right out!
May 20, 2019
I use cornstarch or flour tapped into grease stains (on tablecloths for example), allow to sit for a few minutes, shake of and treat with Dawn dish soap prior to washing.
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