Photo by Rocky Luten

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Noreen F.
June 12, 2019
The only plant I've kept alive for more than a year is a peace lily. I just let it dry out between waterings, and it's happy. It nearly died in the beginning, because it was in the very back of the van on a trip from Kentucky to Wisconsin on a really cold February day.
Every leaf that touched the windows died, but it regenerated from the few that were left.
I've tried succulent gardens, but I never get the water level right.
Every leaf that touched the windows died, but it regenerated from the few that were left.
I've tried succulent gardens, but I never get the water level right.
June 11, 2019
I think it's worth pointing out that, depending on HOW you typically kill your plants some of these might be very killable indeed. Snake plant is pretty easy to rot out if you water too much, or if the soil doesn't drain well.
Pothos and philodendron would be my recommendations if that's the usual problem. I think calatheas or stromanthes would also do well if you're a chronic over-waterer. They don't like drought at all, but they can work with soggy soil (and they'll come back from a drought, though they'll be cranky about it). I have a calathea on my desk at work and it does fine with just the florescent lights, bright enough to cast a blurry shadow of my hand from about 10" above the desk for about 12 hours. The stromanthe 'triostar' I have is happy about a foot away from a north facing window at home.
Pothos and philodendron would be my recommendations if that's the usual problem. I think calatheas or stromanthes would also do well if you're a chronic over-waterer. They don't like drought at all, but they can work with soggy soil (and they'll come back from a drought, though they'll be cranky about it). I have a calathea on my desk at work and it does fine with just the florescent lights, bright enough to cast a blurry shadow of my hand from about 10" above the desk for about 12 hours. The stromanthe 'triostar' I have is happy about a foot away from a north facing window at home.
June 11, 2019
I don't suppose most people who read this article will care about taxonomy, but some effort should be made to avoid confusing things further. The hoya shown is Hoya carnosa; it is the most common but there are a number of others- I particularly like Hoya miniate as a house plant. They are somewhat subject to mealy bugs, especially root mealies, and a peculiar strain of yellow aphids that I've only ever seen attack members of it's plant family (asclepiadaceae). The dracaena shown (D. marginata) is also sometimes classified as Cordylene marginata. The sobriquet "Dragon Tree" is usually used for another species, D. Draco. Monstera deliciosa, aka Philodendron pertusum, is widely known as Split Leaf Philodendron. The deliciosa is because they produce a tasty fruit, though very rarely when grown as a house plant. Not all philodendrons are good house plants- I have a P. Selloum that's 8" high and almost as wide, with leaves 3' across. The term "Swiss Cheese Plant is usually used for another species, M. friedrichsthalii.
June 11, 2019
Are you sure? I was thinking it was a Hoya Obovata (it looks just like the one I have). Big, palm-sized, round leaves, silver speckles.
June 11, 2019
You may well be right, the leaves of H. carnosa are more pointed, and plain unless it's the variegated variety- of course leaf shape and color can be atypical if grown in low light. I will rephrase- the Hoya generally known as "wax plant" and commonly sold as a house plant is Hoya carnosa.
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