Rise and Shine: Early Bird Gets The Cranberry Nut Rolls

April 25, 2012

We have a lot of late-night food rituals: midnight snacks, 3am post-party burger runs, cold pizza cravings... We could go on, but we risk embarrassing ourselves. One thing that never occured to us, though? Forgoing instant gratification to use those dawdle-friendly evening hours as preptime for a delicious morning treat. Whodathunk? NPR's Kitchen Window, for one, who compiled a handy mini-index of "Overnight Breakfasts." The dishes range from Fresh Muesli to Baked French Toast, and each recipe is conventiently broken down by "the night before" and "the day after" — by the time you wake up, all you have do is pop 'em in the oven! Even if you're a natural early bird, that's gotta feel great. 

Overnight Breakfast: A Feast For Relucant Risers from NPR's Kitchen Window

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Cassie loves to cook, eat, and then write about it. She can't resist anything with sweet potatoes, but if she had to pick one food for the rest of her life it might be avocado. (She changes her mind a lot.) She also believes that anything will taste better on a tortilla, and that tacos are the premier food of summertime. You can catch her reading Calvin & Hobbes on the stoop of her apartment, or on the roof in her garden. Say hello!