The Joy of Cooking: ONLINE!

May  1, 2012

Everyone give a big welcome to the online food world's newest website -- which also happens to be one of the offline food world's biggest names! The Joy of Cooking, everyone's favorite all-in-one cookbook that has taught millions of people how to cook, is now online.

Check out their tips on ingredients and techiques, search through tons of recipes, and ask a question in their forum. It's a new chapter in the history of a cookbook that's already changed the lives of so many.

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The Joy of Cooking Online

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  • Bill1975
  • Tom sawyer
    Tom sawyer
  • Rita
  • FoodCat13
  • jsmullen
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Bill1975 March 15, 2024
I just picked a bunch of honey cakes from the joy of cooking page 677. In the intro writer says that these cakes actually are better with age and can be kept reasonably long if stored properly. What does reasonably long mean. How long can they be stored Just wrapped in a tin can in a cool place. Is it the same as fruitcake or not at all? From the texture and the look in the feel of the cake? It seems like it will not last very long, and will not store very well unless it’s frozen . Anybody have any idea. I’d be grateful to have an opinion. Thank you.
Tom S. February 20, 2024
Hi do you do custards and puddings?
Rita June 6, 2022
I recently began baking cookies and I notice in an older edition of Joy of Cooking that cookie recipe ingredients sometimes will specify 1 cup packed brown sugar, while other cookie recipes will say 1 cup brown sugar. Should I follow my inclination of always using packed brown sugar, or follow the recipe as stated?
FoodCat13 January 15, 2022
I think ground red pepper must be cayenne pepper....
jsmullen October 26, 2020
Making a well used recipe for shrimp in Creole sauce that calls for "ground red pepper." Do they mean hot pepper? just red pepper ground up (I do have some -- my Turkish friends use it in cooking).
lovechris June 16, 2021
jsmullen October 25, 2020
Making a well used recipe for shrimp in Creole sauce that calls for "ground red pepper." Do they mean hot pepper? just red pepper ground up (I do have some -- my Turkish friends use it in cooking). Just asking . . .
Tracy A. May 2, 2012
Head2Tail May 1, 2012
Alright, I'm officially over-whelmed by the sheer volume of fabulous-looking recipes. Food 52, my apparently self-reproducing cookbook collection, and now this beautiful website. There is only one solution -- get cooking!