A New iPhone for the Food-Obsessed Masses

August 22, 2012

The Internet is abuzz with news that the iPhone 5 will be debuted within a few weeks' time. If you're like us, you're wondering how the upgrade will differ from the current model. Will there be better battery life? Will screen resolution be sharper and brighter? Will we never have to suffer through another autocorrect fail again? 

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New York comedian Adam Sacks has put the rumors to rest in his new YouTube video. The video is a satirical look at how most of us (ahem) put our phones to use on a daily basis -- to take pictures of our food, of course. The "Vice President of iPhone Product Design" reveals how this new iPhone came to be:

"We studied how customers use their iPhones and we discovered something pretty interesting: people only use iPhones to take photos of their food."  Cue laughter while we slowly nod our heads in recognition.

But, good news: we only have to wait a few more weeks until our iPhone food porn "is sure to garner all the likes, hearts, pluses, pins, stars, reposts, reblogs, retumbles, and retweets that you've used to replace human connection in your life."  Phew. 

LEAKED Official Apple iPhone 5 Promo Video - Keynote 2012

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I cook for a living and then come home to cook for fun. When I'm not cooking, I'm reading or writing about food. It's safe to say I've found my calling.