Is there an easy way to look at the list of the 52 week winners and the categories?

I just received one book as a present but I can't find the wings in it that made me want to buy the book. Now after checking the site for a couple of hours, I think it is that there seems to be 3 different books/contests. Is this right? I'd like to view a list of the 52 weeks and categories. Thanks.

  • Posted by: cadfael
  • December 27, 2011
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Amanda H. December 27, 2011
Cadfael -- apologies but there isn't currently an easy way to view these past books on the site. We're working on adding this back but probably won't be ready for another month or so because we have a few other projects in the works. However, the chicken wings contest was in the second year and this was the winning recipe: Is this what you were looking for? Are you sure it was for chicken wings and the first book, or perhaps another cut of chicken?
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