Food52 twitter mentions a Magic Custard Cake, I searched, can't find the recipe. Anyone?

Magic Custard Cake sounds divine, search isn't helping. Anyone?

  • Posted by: Dona
  • August 2, 2013


Dona August 3, 2013
Thanks For the info AJ, your moms recipe sounds wonderful. I love lemon!
AntoniaJames August 2, 2013
Incidentally, my mother made a cheerful lemon version this when I was growing up . . . I don't have the recipe but may be able to run it down. She made it in a round pan. I recall we used cake flour, and lemon juice (but no water), lemon extract (not vanilla, and but we also added almond extract) and lemon zest, and topped with whipped cream; this dessert was always served just a little bit cold. I recall making it for a party the summer before I went to law school and topping it with sour cream that was lightly sweetened, to which I added a touch of lemon and orange zest. Will definitely need to search my ancient accordion file to see if I still have it. My mother may have gotten this from her aunt, who put recipes on small index cards, but it might just as well have come from a magazine picked up at the Safeway, or from the Times. ;o)
AntoniaJames August 2, 2013
That recipe is on another site . . . if you click through the link at the end of that FOOD52 tweet, you'll arrive here: Hope this helps. ;o)
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