Cheese making and rennet

Hey guys, I want to make cheese this morning for the very first time (mozzarella). I'm looking at the bottle of super industrial strength animal rennet I bought and it says I should dilute it with cold boiled water. 1) How much water? I want to make half a pound, so it seems like I should use two drops. How much water is needed for two drops? 2) By cold boiled, do they mean I should boil the water and then let it get cold? Thanks!



WannabeBaker August 14, 2013
Petitbleu: It says industrial strength, which was part of my problem. I wasn't sure if that's considered normal or if that's double strength.

I did make the cheese, though! It came out pretty well. It definitely took longer than the 30 minutes that all these recipes claim, but I think once I get the hang of it (and don't have to send the husband off to get filtered water as we don't have any at home), it will be a lot easier and faster to do. Will definitely make again.
petitbleu August 14, 2013
Is your rennet regular or double strength? That will affect how much you need to use. Typically, 1 teaspoon regular strength liquid rennet is equal to 1 rennet tablet. With double strength rennet, you'll only need half that amount. It also depends on how many gallons of milk you're trying to set, not how many pounds of cheese you want to wind up with. For 1 gallon of milk, use roughly 1/4 teaspoon rennet (this will vary depending on what kind of cheese you're making--for instance, many soft cheeses use a teensy amount and require more time to set, while hard cheeses often use more rennet). For small amounts of rennet, dilute it in 1/4 cup cold water.
Lindsay-Jean H. August 13, 2013
Oh no! Fingers crossed that this batch turns out better!
WannabeBaker August 13, 2013
It turned out horribly! I didn't have enough rennet (I was trying to convert from tablets to liquid). I ended up calling the company I bought the rennet from. I'm doing take 2 right now. Not sure it's going any better, but I am happy to see from the photos at the site you linked to that the initial curds aren't exactly pretty. The descriptions I had read elsewhere made it seem as though it should be this whole piece. Thanks!
Lindsay-Jean H. August 13, 2013
This tutorial - and detailed recipe - might help - looks like you just need cold filtered water. Did you already make the cheese? How did it turn out?
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