Just a few more months! In the meantime, you could create a wedding registry collection on your profile page and send people the link. (They'd have to know your address for shipping.)
But a "to do" list thing for 2014 would be customized printable cookbooks. Using users saved recipes and selling a hardcopy bound book with indexing from the users recipes. Would be quite challenging to get the photos etc in saved recipes in a auto magic 'click to a print a book' thing...or calendar etc.
(maybe copy right that technology for books printed from 1 click with the photos and formating tech).
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But a "to do" list thing for 2014 would be customized printable cookbooks. Using users saved recipes and selling a hardcopy bound book with indexing from the users recipes. Would be quite challenging to get the photos etc in saved recipes in a auto magic 'click to a print a book' thing...or calendar etc.
(maybe copy right that technology for books printed from 1 click with the photos and formating tech).