Easiest way to make Mac an cheese

Prince Xavier
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HalfPint June 11, 2014
Here's the Mac and Cheese recipe that's relatively quick:

-Cook 1lb of macaroni, drain and set aside.
-In the same pot, whisk together 1 can evaporated milk (12 oz, I think), 2 eggs, and cornstarch slurry (1tb cornstarch in 2-3 tb water). Heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture starts to simmer and thickens slightly. Simmer for 1-2 minutes more.
-Turn off heat, add ~1lb grated cheddar. Optional: dry mustard and/or hot sauce, to taste. Stir to until cheese is melted and mixed in.
-Stir in cooked pasta until evenly coated.
-Serve immediately

This produces a very creamy, gooey, and glossy mac and cheese.
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