What can I use instead of quince to stuff with lamb?

I'm trying to make Yotam Ottolenghi's lamb-stuffed quince, but quince is out of season! Is there another fruit that I could use with this recipe? http://www.ottolenghi.co.uk/lamb-stuffed-quince-with-pomegranate-coriander-shop

  • Posted by: EMc
  • August 6, 2015


scruz August 6, 2015
oops sorry i misread that to be quince stuffing for lamb, not lamb stuffing for quince.
scruz August 6, 2015
apples are related, but to substitute something for quince might really change the recipe. had you thought maybe about picking a different recipe with ingredients that available now? such as pomegranate walnut middle eastern sort of stuffing with appropriate herbs and spices?
Susan W. August 6, 2015
The problem is that this is such a fall dish. You could use a pear. Maybe a Bosc. Maybe a tart apple. They aren't a perfect substitute, but it's as close as it gets.
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 6, 2015
Figs or a date/nut mixture would work.
Nancy August 6, 2015
for a similar (but obviously not identical) taste and texture, use apples, pears or a mixture of the two. maybe even use baby turnips in the mix, which will provide a similar texture but a sharper taste.
EMc August 6, 2015
Thank you! I'll go for pears because the apple selection will probably be mediocre at this time of year.
702551 August 6, 2015
The only major apple variety that is currently in season is the Gravenstein which is superb. The regular apple season doesn't start until fall.

The Gravensteins have been at my local farmers market for the past month.
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