How to delete my account?

How to delete account?

The Soaked Bean


Frank January 20, 2018
They're so full of shit they don't even list this in their FAQs. Not an ounce of honesty.
Sarah E. January 9, 2016
Hi there!
I emailed you about your concern; check your inbox!
Irrelevant May 21, 2016
I would also like to delete my account. Is there an email I should know to have someone delete my account for me?

Voted the Best Reply!

702551 May 22, 2016
Maybe the one listed above?
Audrey W. September 15, 2019
I would also like to delete my account. How do I do this?
Susan W. January 9, 2016
I would send this question to the editors at [email protected]
Patrick N. May 21, 2017
Let's see what comes from my email I sent them bout me deleting my account and profile
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