What is your favorite under-$10(ish) kitchen tool/helper/doodad?

I love asking this group about their favorite kitchen/home helpers. Please chime in and share your trusty affordable sidekicks here: Is it a pie docker? Dish cloths? The line is open, thanks in advance! :)

Hana Asbrink


louisez February 1, 2018
Messermeister serrated peeler.
No more boiling peaches for pies and jams.
AntoniaJames February 1, 2018
Yes, Bevi, the bamboo tongs, thanks for mentioning those . . . . you could get good ones at Cost Plus for under $2, last I checked.
Bevi February 1, 2018
Very old vegetable peeler, tongs, wooden spoons, microplane.
BerryBaby February 3, 2018
Love my old vegetable peeler too!
I’ve tried new ones and they don’t ‘feel’ right. My peeler is over 30 years old and still works beautifully.
ktr February 3, 2018
I don’t think I will ever have an old vegetable peeler - my husband seems to break them every few years :)
bjm January 29, 2018
My trusty flat wire whisk - I have two sizes and use them constantly. They get to the edges of a sauce pan much more reliably than a balloon wisk.
MMH January 23, 2018
We are both cooks and In a 2nd relationship. We combined 2 well stocked kitchens. So I've been looking at the most used low cost pieces. I think it's a pair of locking tongs.
Trish January 22, 2018
Dollar Store hand held grater. 😊
grandrivergirl January 21, 2018
I like hand knit cotton dishcloths. Great texture for wiping down counters and such.
Mei C. January 17, 2018
mini offset spatula
mstv January 7, 2018
Bench scraper, whisk, or rubber spatula.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 4, 2018
Is this for a fluff article to insert your own merchandise? Or are you really just curious, lol. You could pick a few of these handy dandy kitchen helpers and write an in-depth article about the inventor, state of manufacturing, interesting facts, etc. Include recipes with ginormous photos strewn within the article that use said products for click bait.
BerryBaby January 21, 2018
Many of these questions are turned into future articles. Great place to gather information and ideas.
boulangere January 4, 2018
A combination peeler/julienne cutter. It looks like a 2-headed peeler with a peeling blade on one side and a julienne blade on the other. Indispensable! I think I paid around $10 for it.
scruz January 4, 2018
any one of my sharp kiwi knives. or my piece of rubber thingy that helps me open tightly closed lids on jars.
ktr January 4, 2018
My handheld milk frother. It works great for mixing cream into coffee and for making hot cocoa. Between my husband and me, it gets used several times every day.
BerryBaby January 21, 2018
I have a battery operated frother that I picked up at World Market years ago for $10.00. They are great. BB
ktr January 23, 2018
I have one at work and one at home. I used it last night to make hot cocoa and it has been used twice this morning already by me and my husband to mix collagen into coffee
BerryBaby January 4, 2018
Hands down my very old vegetable peeler. Not only for vegetables, curls of chocolate, peeling fruit: apple peels (add whole cloves, water and simmer for a warm, cozy seasonal scent) and add orange peels for an extra burst, zucchini ribbons, shreds of cheese, endless uses! BB
Niknud January 4, 2018
Hands down the little silicon pot sleeves that I slide over the blazing hot handles of my oven-safe sauté pans. My husband, after the 57th time hearing me shout strings of unprintable curses after making a frittata (or anything else) and forgetting the handle was approximately the temperature of the surface of the sun, ordered me some. Now neither my hands, nor my children's ears, are scorched.
creamtea January 4, 2018
I love my flat whisk. It gets into the corners of a pot when making custard, it serves as a kind of sub for a slotted spoon to lift things (hard-boiled eggs for example) out of hot liquid, it fits my small hands. I reach for it much more often than for my balloon whisk.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 4, 2018
LOVE my flat whisk. Don't know what I'd do without it!
Hana A. January 17, 2018
Hear, hear! Love my flat whisk so much, thanks for chiming in!
PHIL January 4, 2018
I got one of these microplane grating cubes. I haven't tried it out yet but there is always something that needs to be grated.
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