Pauline, there are websites that allow you to plug in recipes to find out the nutritional information. Although, I don't know the web address off-hand, google nutritional information for recipes and I'm sure you will find plenty of site choices. Bookmark it, and always know the nutritional information to keep you in the know.
Thank you for your prompt response Kristen! I am pre diabetic and definitely need the nutirtional information.
I'll continue to enjoy the website and maybe I'll luck out with a few recipes that I know might be within my perameters.
Hi Pauline, we don't provide nutritional information with our recipes -- Amanda & Merrill are big fans of enjoying all types of food in moderation. However, if you have specific dietary requirements, we have gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan categories, and you can search our recipes for descriptions like "nut-free" or "sugar-free". Welcome! Hope you enjoy what you find here.
I'll continue to enjoy the website and maybe I'll luck out with a few recipes that I know might be within my perameters.