Cookbook Club Potluck – Terms, Disclaimers & Photo Waiver

Welcome to the Cookbook Club Potluck—where food lovers unite, swap recipes, and enjoy a delicious shared meal! Before you grab your ticket, here’s the fine print:

  1. Ticket Purchase & Refunds: Your ticket gets you into this tasty event, but please note that all sales are final. No refunds will be issued unless the event is canceled by us. Can’t make it? Feel free to gift your ticket to a fellow foodie—just be sure to let us know who’s coming in your place!

  2. Limited Spots: We’re keeping this potluck cozy with a maximum of 60 guests, so grab your spot while you can! Once tickets are sold out, we won’t be able to accommodate any more guests.

  3. Bringing the Yum (and Staying Safe): Since this is a potluck, everyone must bring a dish. While we hope everyone brings their A-game, Food52 cannot guarantee the quality, safety, or allergen status of any food. Please bring what you feel comfortable eating, and if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, we highly recommend reaching out to your fellow potluckers in advance or packing your own safe dish to enjoy. Food52 is not responsible for any foodborne illnesses, allergic reactions, or any other culinary mishaps that might occur.

  4. Waiver of Liability: By attending, you acknowledge that you’re doing so at your own risk. Food52, the venue, and any event staff are not liable for any injuries, food-related issues, or other incidents that might arise during the event. So come with great food, great vibes, and great care!

  5. Staying Connected: When purchasing a ticket, you agree to receive emails about the event from Food52, including updates, reminders, and any last-minute details. We promise not to overdo it—just the good stuff to make sure you’re in the loop!

  6. Photo and Likeness Waiver: This event may be photographed or recorded for future promotional use by Food52. By attending the Cookbook Club Potluck, you grant Food52 the unrestricted right to use and publish any photos or videos in which you may appear for promotional, marketing, and other business purposes, in any format or media now or hereafter known. If you would prefer not to be featured in any photos or videos, please let us know in advance.

  7. The Spirit of Sharing: This potluck is all about community and sharing. Let’s keep the good vibes rolling by being considerate of one another and ensuring that everyone feels welcome.