5 Ingredients or Fewer

Almost UnadornedĀ Ricotta

March 12, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves variable
Author Notes

I don't want to sound flip with this recipe, but reeeeally good ricotta should shine. To fancy up the presentation you could grate the tiniest bit of Meyer lemon zest over top just for show. —healthierkitchen

  • about 1/2 cup really good ricotta per person
  • best quality olive oil
  • best quality sea salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  1. Place ricotta cheese into individual little dessert bowls. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and a grind or two of pepper over each. Drizzle a little of the olive oil over top of each bowl. Serve as a cheese course or for dessert.

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3 Reviews

healthierkitchen March 16, 2011
Best way to live it!
fiveandspice March 16, 2011
Live it!
fiveandspice March 16, 2011
Ha, oops. Meant love it! But, you should live it too, I guess!