Make Ahead

Sensory overload, AKA: homage to Eataly Bread

March 18, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Makes one loaf
Author Notes

Eataly's Pancetta and Provolone bread has followed me home. While in NYC over Christmas, my Husband and I fell in love with this bread and have been missing it ever since! I'm not an expert bread maker, but I'm gaining courage in this department. Courage, I tell you, is everything. Thanks to my Grandmother's Parker House rolls, monkeymom, AntoniaJames, thirschfelds's pocket rolls and pierino (for the no knead bread tip), I can now make my own version of this lil' gem and share it. Note: I subbed a 1/2 inch thick slice of prosciutto for pancetta, because I like the *leaner* version! In the end though, ham is ham, so go with your gut. I hope my instructions are clear, I'm learning as I go, as you do with bread... —TiggyBee

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/4 -1/2 tsp dry active yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water
  • 4 ounces prosciutto or pancetta, cubed
  • 4 ounces smoked provolone, cubed
  • egg wash (optional) I did!
  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients and with a wooden spoon, slowly add the warm water, until you get a semblance of dough.
  2. It will be rough looking, but that's okay. Cover the dough with cling wrap and let it rest overnight. After it's slept, it's going to look like a foamy mess, but you'll be on the right track. (promise)
  3. Add the pancetta or prosciutto and provolone to the foamy mess, flour your fingertips and dig in there with hands to mix it. Then, on a floured surface, dump the mess and roll it around until it doesn't stick. This is really a feel type of thing.
  4. In a large clean mixing bowl, place a clean dish towel and flour it. Place the dough in the towel, let rest for 2 hours and it should double in size. Preheat your oven to 400.
  5. Place the dutch oven over a low flame to preheat it and when heated, place the dough in it and bake for 30 minutes, covered. (don't worry about the shape it falls in, it'll look rustic) After 30 minutes, uncover and bake for an additional 20 minutes or so. After uncovered, optional egg wash will heighten the browning on top. If not, it'll still brown and be just as delicious!
  6. Place bread on a rack and allow to cool before cutting. (if you can wait that long!)

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25 Reviews

Franca October 21, 2013
This is still my go to bread recipe. Last week I added anise and figs. Superb toasted with cream cheese. I have an apple & spice batch waiting to be baked this evening. Can't wait to dig in.
fiveandspice March 26, 2011
This looks so delicious! It is going right onto the weekend project list!
Midge March 25, 2011
I love your directions TiggyBee. This sounds super scrumptious!
thirschfeld March 23, 2011
I have been trying to get back to the recipe all week. Looks fabulous.
Franca March 23, 2011
When this came out of the oven last night, it looked like something out of a bakery. Absolutely divine! My new favourite bread. Thanks TiggyBee!
TiggyBee March 23, 2011
Thanks so much Franca!! I'm absolutely thrilled that the bread turned out for you and thank you for letting me know...*smiles*
gingerroot March 22, 2011
Love! Thanks for a great recipe, TiggyBee!!
TiggyBee March 23, 2011
Thanks gingerroot!! I hope you'll try it!
happycao March 22, 2011
Reminds me of the scallion and ham buns found in Chinatown bakeries, but Italian style!
Apparently, Eataly brings their sourdough starters and perhaps other starters from Italy.
Lizthechef March 21, 2011
Can I be your apprentice?
TiggyBee March 23, 2011
You're funny lizthechef!! : )
Sagegreen March 19, 2011
Great recipe!
TiggyBee March 19, 2011
Thanks Sagegreen!
hardlikearmour March 19, 2011
Wow, TiggyBee, this looks and sounds amazing! So glad you've found your bread baking courage!
TiggyBee March 19, 2011
I'm not kidding...I had *bread fear* why, I wonder?
monkeymom March 19, 2011
This looks SO good! I am dying because I am cutting down on carbs, but this will do me in. Great directions too.
TiggyBee March 19, 2011
thanks monkeymom! sorry to interrupt the no carb thingy - completely understand!
TiggyBee March 18, 2011
Oh gosh...really, I was just guessing about the flours Eataly uses. I'm guessing a sour dough starter? Anyhow, I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on this!!! And their loaf was long and flat!!! : )
AntoniaJames March 18, 2011
Will probably add some semolina as well, or maybe a bit of tipo 00. I can see having great fun playing with this! We're having a lot of cold, nasty rain here today and probably tomorrow, so the soup kettle will be simmering, as well, when I can get into the kitchen. Perfect timing on this great recipe. ;o)
boulangere March 18, 2011
My local deli-wine shop just started carrying 00 - a very big deal for Billings, MT - great thought, AntoniaJames, I'll toss some in as well.
AntoniaJames March 18, 2011
Boulangere, The Food Mill carries something called "pizza flour" (just started carrying it, and the guy there says it's selling like crazy). I suspect that it's tipo 00 or contains quite a bit of it. Bought some but haven't used it yet. Definitely going to have a lot of fun with this recipe. ;o)
boulangere March 20, 2011
AntoniaJames and TiggyBee, I'm going to take a walk over to the deli-wine shop with Esmé the perfect dog, pick up some 00 and some nice smoked cheese, and try this out.
boulangere March 18, 2011
Making it this weekend to serve with Amanda's Button Mushroom Salad. It looks amazing! I'm so glad it followed you home.
TiggyBee March 18, 2011
Thanks!!! It was sooo good!
AntoniaJames March 18, 2011
On the to-do list for tonight, but of course, I'll be playing with the flours, with all due respect to Eataly. (I'm constitutionally incapable of making anything related to bread with one kind of flour. Thinking here a touch of rye and a little bit of barley flour.) Fingers crossed that my favorite grocery store's cheese section has smoked provolone. This bread sounds divine. My son, who returns to college Sunday morning, will feel like he's died and gone to heaven. ;o)