
Coffee RoastedĀ Carrots

March 22, 2011
1 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Do you ever just wake up thinking about food combinations? (I already know the answer) So, recently I woke up wondering what I could do to add a subtle coffee, mocha flavor to sweet carrots. I wanted a soft flavor that didn't overwhelm the vegetable, but made it a little more complex. This recipe works with plain just from the garden or supermarket or farmers market orange carrots. I don't know why, but those gorgeous purple and red carrots come out tough. (even though they look beautiful). —dymnyno

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  • 1 pound carrots (orange only)
  • 1 cup coffee beans
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • sea salt and black pepper
  1. Trim the carrots (I didn't peel them).
  2. Mix the minced garlic with the olive oil and slather the carrots with the mixture.
  3. Sprinkle with sea salt and grated black pepper.
  4. Put a layer of whole coffee beans in a large iron skillet and place the carrots on top of the beans.
  5. Roast in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the carrots.
  6. Remove from the oven and lift the carrots off the beans . Slice diagonally and add more sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

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13 Reviews

Risa May 2, 2017
Do you think you could you do this with ground coffee? Or would the flavor be too intense?
dymnyno May 2, 2017
I think that the carrots which are covered in olive oil would pick up the actual coffee grounds and that would be to intense and messy.
Beth100 March 29, 2015
Do you suggest turning the carrots during roasting, or does the coffee flavor permeate evenly anyway? Thanks for sharing this intriguing and doable recipe!
LeBec F. March 23, 2015
dy, you're like paul simon; you just keep on impressing us! Love your creative thinking outside-the-box.
AntoniaJames February 19, 2014
Wow, these sound so interesting! Definitely on my must-try-soon list. ;o) P.S. Patterson got the idea from you.
dymnyno February 19, 2014
Ha, ha! He does add some interesting stuff at the end. Have you tried the restaurant, Coi?
dymnyno October 20, 2013
I just saw a Daniel Patterson recipe (COI) that is very similar to this. I created mine 3 years before the Coi cookbook!
ChefMommy March 24, 2011
Does it matter what type of roast the beans are?
dymnyno March 24, 2011
I have always used a French roast. I would not use anything bitter. Think of the aroma...that is basically what is infused into the carrots...not overpowering.
TheWimpyVegetarian March 22, 2011
I love this idea - I'm definitely trying. How interesting that the coffee brings out the carrot-y flavor.
hardlikearmour March 22, 2011
Oh, nice idea! How much coffee flavor do the carrots absorb?
dymnyno March 22, 2011
. The carrots do not end up tasting like coffee beans. Rather, the coffee intensifies the roasted carrot flavor.
hardlikearmour March 22, 2011
I am definitely intrigued!