

April 17, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 5
Author Notes

Steamed rice dumpling with coconut & jaggery molasses filling we make kozhukatta Saturday the eve Palm Sunday. —pauljoseph

  • Rice Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Water - 2 cup
  • Ghee - 1tsp
  • For the filling
  • Grated Coconut - 1 cup
  • Grated Molasses - 1/4 cup
  • Cardamom Powder - 1tsp
  1. Boil water and add salt to it. Mix flour, salt and ghee well by adding water
  2. Continue until a smooth dough is formed. Make small flat rounds with the dough
  3. Boil molasses well with a little water. Strain. Keep on the fire again, mix coconut and sauté for sometime.
  4. Off the flame a add the cardamom powder
  5. Take the flat dough rounds and place a little filling in the middle, close and cover with the dough to make balls
  6. You can make several balls as required and steam in a cooker till done

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