
Coffee Sauce

April 18, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Serve with Ice Creams ,cakes or Cold Puddings. —pauljoseph

  • Butter 30 grms
  • Flour maida 15 Grms
  • Black coffee 300 ml
  • Sugar 30grms
  • Vanilla essence 2 drops
  • Egg Yolk 1
  1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and mix in the flour
  2. Add the coffee gradually and stair until boiling
  3. Simmer slowly for 5 minutes
  4. Add sugar and Vanilla
  5. Just before serving stir in the egg yolk
  6. Do not allow the sauce to boil again.

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2 Reviews

MyCommunalTable April 18, 2011
Sounds delish!
pauljoseph April 19, 2011
thank you