5 Ingredients or Fewer

Bread with Butter and Jam

June 24, 2011
4 Ratings
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Author Notes

A drink with jam and bread.....that will bring us back to do-oh-oh-oh.

The joys and songs of Sound of Music. And the memory it triggers in me - days of soft white bread, slathered with butter and topped with the finest strawberry jam ever. I've had to hold myself back from having this everyday for lunch. —Kitchen Butterfly

  • Slices of soft, white sandwich bread
  • Finest (cold) salted butter
  • Top notch strawberry jam
  1. Take a few slices of bread and butter each one. Spread the strawberry jam over the butter, on each slice.
  2. Sit back and eat individually, not sandwiched (doubles the pleasure)
  3. Sing in your head
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I love food and I'm interested in making space for little-heard voices, as well as celebrating Nigerian cuisine in its entirety.

1 Review

Panfusine June 24, 2011
love the sound of music connection!, takes me back to school days!