
Asian Inspired Salmon

September  3, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

This is a great salmon dinner with lots of Asian flavors..grill or broil the salmon.


What You'll Need
  • 1 1/2 pounds skinless salmon fillets cut into 4 equal pieces
  • 1 13 to 14 ounce jar orange marmalade
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • Hot cooked white rice
  • 3/4 cup sliced green onions
  1. Combine the marmalade, vinegar,soy sauce, garlic, red pepper, ginger, salt, sugar and sesame oil in a small sauce pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  2. Let the marinade cool and then pour about half of it over the salmon fillets and marinate them for about 1 hour in the fridge.
  3. Broil or grill the marinated fillets for about ten minutes or until flaky.
  4. Reheat the remaining marinade and serve the salmon over the hot cooked rice drizzled with the warm marinade and topped with green onion slices.

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  • sel et poivre
    sel et poivre
  • LeBec Fin
    LeBec Fin
  • inpatskitchen
  • healthierkitchen

Recipe by: inpatskitchen

I think I get my love for food and cooking from my mom, who was an amazing cook. She would start baking and freezing a month before Christmas in order to host our huge open house on Christmas afternoon. I watched and I this day I try not to procrastinate when it comes to entertaining. My cooking style is pretty much all over the place, although I'm definitely partial to Greek and Italian cuisine. Oh yes, throw a little Cajun in there too!

13 Reviews

BellaRasa June 22, 2016
Made this on the grill yesterday and my husband and I loved it. Thanks for a great recipe!
inpatskitchen June 22, 2016
Thank YOU BellaRasa!
sel E. April 19, 2013
I've never had salmon with orange marmalade before. Sounds very intriguing. And the picture looks appetising to me (burnt bits always seem appetising to me!).. A must try. However like LE BEC FIN suggested, I'd like to try it with fresh ginger (I'm also not a big fan of the dried version). How much do you suppose I should use?
inpatskitchen April 19, 2013
The ginger is rather subtle in this..I'd start out with a teaspoon of fresh and then taste and adjust. Hope you enjoy!
LeBec F. April 16, 2013
This is such a tantalizing recipe pat, but one ingredient really concerns me. Do you really want to use dry ground ginger instead of fresh ginger? For me, ground ginger is only usable as a spice in baked goods and it has a very unappealing flavor in other foods. And ginger is such an important member in this team of flavor.
inpatskitchen April 17, 2013
Certainly you can use fresh ginger, but I always have dried as opposed to's great with the dried.
inpatskitchen January 24, 2012
I'd be so honored!!
healthierkitchen January 23, 2012
Love this! What a great weeknight dinner.
inpatskitchen January 23, 2012
Thank you! It's so tasty and easy!
healthierkitchen January 23, 2012
I just bought some orange and elderflower marmalade at Ikea over the weekend and I bet it will be great in this recipe!
inpatskitchen January 23, 2012
Oh please let me know how you like it if you try it!
healthierkitchen January 27, 2012
Made this tonight and it was delicious. My marmalade was on the sweet side, so I left out the 2 T. sugar. We loved the orangey flavor - great idea!
inpatskitchen January 28, 2012
So glad you enjoyed...the elderflower marmalade sounds like a winner!