Make Ahead

Adzhika, Hot Pepper Relish with Walnuts, Sage and Many Other Spices

January  5, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Serves a crowd
Author Notes

Adzhika is an exciting, delicious spicy and complex condiment and marinade. No Georgian cook would think of serving grilled or roasted meat, poultry or fish without this incredibly flavorful condiment or garnish. This relish is best when allowed to sit at least overnight or for 3 or more days before serving. My version is a combination of a few recipes, which I learned during the years. You can make it as spicy as you like by adding more hot peppers.

Serve this with fresh melon slices as a show stopping appetizer at your next outdoor party and everyone will be talking about it. It also goes well with fresh tomatoes, grilled lamb or a grilled cheese sandwich.


  • • 2-3 fresh meaty red bell peppers, cored, seeded and chopped
  • • 4 fresh red chili peppers, chopped
  • • 8 garlic cloves, chopped
  • • 1bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
  • • 2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds
  • • 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
  • • 1 teaspoon dried summer savory
  • • 1 teaspoon dried mint
  • • 1 teaspoon dried sage
  • • 1/2 teaspoon crushed bay leaves
  • • 1 ½ teaspoons coarse salt or more to your taste
  • • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • • 1 cup toasted walnuts, chopped
  • • 1/3 cup the best quality red wine vinegar
  1. Pulse all ingredients in a food processor until it reaches the desired consistency. For a thicker consistency , add more walnuts or a little room temperature boiled water if you like a looser mixture.
  2. Cover and refrigerate before packing into jars. Store in the refrigerator or process in a water bath for longer storage.
  3. I usually make a small batch and keep it in the refrigerator. However, when making a large amount, make sure to steam your jars and lids before adding the Adzhika. Then place the jars inside a large pot filled with water and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Store in a cool place and enjoy any time you would like to brighten up any of your dishes. I usually don’t incorporate walnuts into the mixture when preserving Adzhika, but add them after opening a jar.
  4. I usually make a small batch and keep it in the refrigerator. However, when making a large amount, make sure to steam your jars and lids before adding the Adzhika. Then place the jars inside a large pot filled with water and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Store in a cool place and enjoy any time you would like to brighten up any of your dishes.

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7 Reviews

Kukla January 6, 2012
Thank you susan g! It will keep in the refrigerator for about two three weeks, but you can preserve Adzhika in sterilized mason jars and then simmering them for about 30 minutes and store in a cool place.
Kukla January 6, 2012
Thank you susan g! It will keep in the refrigerator for about two three weeks, but you can preserve Adzhika in sterilized mason jars and then simmering them for about 30 minutes and store in a cool place.
Fairmount_market January 6, 2012
This sounds delicious, like harissa but more earthy.
Kukla January 6, 2012
It is very tasty and easy to make. Thank you for the comment Fairmount_market!
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 5, 2012
Very intriguing spread - maybe for rare roast beef sandwich with a leaf or two of crispy romaine.
Kukla January 6, 2012
A wonderful idea sexyLambchopx! Thank's for the comment.
susan G. January 5, 2012
Fantastic color, and it sounds great. How long do you think it would keep?