5 Ingredients or Fewer


January 14, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Makes 2 cups
Author Notes

The fragrant long and skinny vanilla bean has the most delicious flavor and is a secret ingredient in many of my favorite recipes. In this dressing the bean gets a starring role. Wonderful with shellfish, seafood and sliced citrus, it is equally fabulous with roasted chicken or pork. It is incredibly fragrant and flavorful. You might be tempted to just try a slug of it! —dymnyno

  • 3 tablespoons fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 3 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 6 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
  • 3 whole vanilla beans
  • 3 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (like tellicherry)
  • 1 1/2 cups olive oil
  1. With a sharp knife, slit open the vanilla bean (don't cut all the way through the bean) and scrape the pulp from the skin.(I usually keep the empty bean skins and throw them into the jar when I shake up the dressing)
  2. Grind the pepper onto a piece of parchment and measure 3 teaspoons.
  3. Combine the bean pulp, pepper, orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar and oil. Whisk together and pour into a jar. Shake it up again before using.

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5 Reviews

Midge November 6, 2012
I'm intrigued. Sounds great!
Oui, C. November 5, 2012
Love the sound of this one....brilliant!
Lizthechef November 1, 2012
I missed this and it looks terrific...I just bought vanilla beans at Trader Joe's - $3.99 for a package of two whole beans. If they are good, it's the deal of the week.
dymnyno January 17, 2012
I agree. I usually make only what I will use in a day or two. I refrigerate the vinaigrette.
Lorenza January 17, 2012
This sounds divine, a perfect way to use those special Meyer lemons and those special Tangelos (aka Honeybells) that are available right now. My question are 2; 1. How long will this stay fresh? I ask because I find that viniagrette can go "off" very quickly so I never prepare more than I will use immediately. 2. Do you refrigerate or store at room temp.? Please advise and many thanks.