
Grilled Mussels in a Roasted Jalepeno Cream Sauce

February  7, 2012
5 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

My friends and I grill at least twice a week. From Kebobs to bananas, and everything in between, we never know what culinary creation we will come up with. This recipe full of smoky and creamy flavors was a dish that certainly stood out to us. Long story short, we ended up dipping mugs in the pot to clean off the broth which was spectacular. —Chefalzaid

  • 3 pounds Mussels (cleaned)
  • 4 pieces Garlic
  • 5-7 pieces Jalepenos
  • 1 cup milk/heavy cream
  • 1 cup White Wine/Stock
  • 1 bunch Cilantro
  1. Drizzle a little oil to the Jalapenos and place them on the grill, turning occasionally until fully charred. Once finished, cover the peppers and allow to cool. Then peel off the blackened outer skin.
  2. Blend jalapeno peppers (with seed), cilantro, garlic, and heavy milk to a smooth puree (roast garlic for extra smokiness).
  3. Heat Stock and white wine in a big pot.
  4. Throw the mussels on the grill in a single layer and cover the grill while on medium to high heat. 3-4 minutes later (once most/all mussels have opened) remove the mussels and add to the stock above along with the jalapeno puree.
  5. Once everything is in the pot, cover for an additional minute to help marry the flavors and ensure mussels are cooked. Garnish with lime and cilantro.

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1 Review

Gary M. July 3, 2015
What a confusing recipe. 5-7 pieces of jalapenos? What does that even mean? 1 C white wine/stock? Is it 1 C each? In instruction #3, it states to Heat Stock and white wine.