Serves a Crowd

Pizza Rustica

February 12, 2012
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  • Serves a lot
Author Notes

Don't be fooled by the name - this isn't the typical red sauce pizza, in fact there are no tomatoes here at all. This is a double crust, long rectangular pie stuffed with meats and gooey cheese. Growing up, we typically ate this around Easter.
The ingredient list may look a bit jumbled, but I promise you all the flavors work. Crusty, hot bread encases gooey, salty, eggy goodness. —Oops! Were you gonna eat that?

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  • 2 pounds pizza dough from your favorite recipe
  • 1 1/2 pounds sliced cold cuts (ham, salami, turkey, capicola, prosciutto - 3 or 4 types of any you like)
  • 1 pound sliced deli cheeses (provolone, cheddar, fontina - 2 or 3 types of your favorite mild cheeses)
  • 3 hard boiled eggs, sliced
  • 3 beaten eggs, divided
  • Semolina or cornmeal for dusting
  1. Divide your pizza dough into two pieces, make one slightly larger than the other. The large piece will form your bottom crust and the small, your top crust.
  2. In a 2-inch deep jelly roll style baking pan (the dimensions should be close to 15X9 for the amount of dough you have), sprinkle the cornmeal or semolina on the bottom. Roll out the larger piece of dough for the bottom crust and lay it in the pan. Let the dough hang over the edges of the pan a bit, similar to when making a pie crust. This will make it easier to seal the top and bottom crust together before baking. Make sure to patch up tears in the dough, if any.
  3. Begin covering the crust with alternating layers of meats and cheeses. You should have about 3-4 meat layers and 2-3 cheese layers. For the middle layer, add the sliced hard boiled eggs.
  4. When the "pie" is full, pour in 2 of the beaten eggs (saving the last one for egg wash).
  5. Roll out the smaller piece of dough and cover the pie with it. Pinch the edges of the top and bottom crust together to seal.
  6. Brush the top of the pie with the remaining beaten egg.
  7. Bake at 375 for approximately 30 minutes, until the top is golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Slide the pie onto a cutting board and cut into squares.
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