5 Ingredients or Fewer

La Petraia Lemon & 1000 Flower Honey Cream

February 20, 2012
2 Ratings
Photo by Michael Grant
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

At La Petraia we produce several different varietal honeys from 7 hives of bees. The different varieties vary from year to year. We almost always have some millefiori (1000 flower) honey. This honey is a golden colour and it has a very delicate flavour.
It is an excellent component in fruit based dessert and is also good with the local fresh pecorino or drizzled over some fresh sheep’s milk ricotta. It is sublime in this simple lemon dessert. A Tuscan beekeeper’s take on an old fashioned English Posset, this simple cream uses honey instead of sugar to great effect. The lemon juice thickens the cream to custard like consistency without the addition of eggs or gelatin. .

Susan McKenna Grant

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  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup millefiori honey
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  1. In a small pan bring honey and cream just to the boil. Stir in lemon juice and stir to combine.
  2. Using a funnel pour the mixture into small shot glasses, champagne flutes, custard pots or even espresso cups.
  3. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours or preferably overnight. The mixture will thicken to custard like consistency.
  4. Variation: Lemon Honey Cream 2 Ways: Make a double recipe and transfer half to a cream siphon. Charge with 2 cream chargers. Top each serving with some cream from the siphon.

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1 Review

Truly S. March 18, 2012
gorgeous honey cream. sounds heavenly.