
Coconut Puffballs

April 12, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Serves about 20 little coconuts
Author Notes

First let me just say that I couldn't think of a good name for these. I thought about CooCoo For Coconuts but that's dopey. And coconut puffballs isn't? Help! Think of a good name for them! Anyhow I love all things coconut, and have become somewhat obsessed with using coconut flour (the smell when you open the bag will drive you wild) and coconut oil, coconut milk, you get the idea. I even snuck in a wee smidge of coconut extract for a coconutty boost. They even sort of look like little coconuts! And Henry likes them ... —aargersi

  • 3/4 cup AP flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 1/4 cups light coconut milk (the light is a little thinner than the full fat and in this case that is what you want)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil - melted - plus more for cooking
  • 1/4 teaspoon coconut extract
  • banana slices about 1/4 inch thick then cut those in quarters
  • dark chocolate bar - cut into small chunks
  • 1 egg - separated
  1. Whisk the dry ingredients together. In a larger bowl - whisk the wet ingredients together except the egg white. Then mix wet and dry together.
  2. Beat the egg white until soft peaks form, then fold it into the batter.
  3. Heat your ebelskiver pan to medium. Put a small dot of coconut oil in each pocket (you might want to make 1 or 2 individual test ones before you go all out) then a tablespoon of batter. Add a piece of banana and a chunk of chocolate to the center of each on, then top with another tablespoon of batter.
  4. The easiest way I have found to flip them is with pointy wood chopsticks. You can scoot them a bit to peek under, when they are browned you can push down on one side and guide it over on the other side. I BET there is a youtube video showing this ...
  5. The chocolate and banana are going to be HOT in there so let them cool slightly before you eat them.
  6. Share

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Recipe by: aargersi

Country living, garden to table cooking, recent beek, rescue all of the dogs, #adoptdontshop

10 Reviews

ortolan November 29, 2013
Could you make these in a popover pan in the oven, you think?
aargersi December 1, 2013
hmm, maybe if you didn't fill them all the way? The ebelskiver pan makes about a Ping-Pong sized pancake puff. Couldn't hurt to try!
mrslarkin April 13, 2012
Yum. Photo 2 = best puffball EVER!
arielleclementine April 13, 2012
hahaha! yesss!
hardlikearmour April 12, 2012
You sure have been exploiting the cute kids lately! These sound fantastic, BTW!
arielleclementine April 13, 2012
eeee! thanks! henry really did love these pancakes!
aargersi April 13, 2012
He is SO CUTE! He had chocolate and pancake goo EVERYWHERE - then he rinsed off in Arielle's water. Yum!! He also enjoyed Arielles dark chocolate, sea salt and olive oil ones, and some Asian pear, but said NO to kale salad.
LeBec F. April 12, 2012
Yes, Fillings! Such a natural for these puffs, so glad you went for it!
drbabs April 12, 2012
These are perfect for me. I like the taste of coconut but don't like the texture. So...yum.
arielleclementine April 12, 2012
these are fantastic!! henry and i are in complete agreement- we're gonna have to go find a puffball pan!