Make Ahead

Tzatziki Chicken Salad

May  7, 2012
4 Ratings
  • Makes 3 cups
Author Notes

I love Mayo, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it can be too much. Like in chicken salad.
So one day I had some left over Tzatziki and used it as a salad dressing, very tasty! That got me thinking, why not try it with some of my left over grilled chicken?

Inspiration was found!

The beauty about this recipe is that it is loaded with all good stuff. One of those dishes that is uber healthy, yet taste so good you wouldn't assign any labels too it, other than trying to explain those guttural sounds emerging from your mouth. What I present to you is my version, but as with all good recipes, it is open to interpretation. To me, the beauty of a dish such as this is its ability to clean out the refrigerator. That last little bit of red pepper, the barely enough for much of anything broccoli, the lonely radish that somehow got lost. You get the point. The only points I will emphasize here are the cilantro and apple.
These two ingredients I feel are key, If you are going to substitute them, do so with something that will add an equal flavor kick, perhaps parsley and grapes. You want that herbal kick and that hint of sweetness. This recipe varies from the classic Tzatziki in that it will be thinner, but you could use Greek Yogurt or strain the Yogurt. I do highly recommend whole fat though, fat carries flavor. Now lets stop wasting time and get to the reason you are here. Buen Provencho! —Keek

  • Tzatziki
  • 1/2 English Cucumber
  • 1/2 Onion (I prefer red)
  • 2-3 Cloves of garlic
  • 1 1/2 cups Whole Yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon Red Wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chicken Salad
  • 1 cup Left over chicken
  • 1 Small handful of cilantro (chopped)
  • 1 Small Granny Smith apple (Julienned)
  • 1/4 Zucchini, diced
  • 1/4 Red Pepper, diced
  • 6 Cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Tzatziki
  2. Finely chop the cucumber and onion. (I like a chunky texture)
  3. Mince the garlic
  4. Combine all the ingredients and adjust the seasonings to your taste.
  5. Refrigerate over night for best flavor.
  1. Chicken Salad
  2. Combine all the ingredients and mix with the Tzatziki, season to taste. As with all good dishes, the longer you allow the flavors to marry, the better this will be.
  3. I prefer to serve this on a bed of greens with a nice glass of Sauvignon blanc and a few friends to enjoy it with.

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