
Simple Concord Grape Jam

October  1, 2012
1 Ratings
Photo by sdebrango
  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Cook time 2 hours
  • Makes 2 cups jam
Author Notes

When I saw the contest was all about grapes I had to smile for the last week I have been making concord grape jam, first let me say I am not an adept canner or preserver, truth be told I have never done it before. This is a quick jam that sets in the refrigerator, I don't use pectin or any thickener just concord grapes, sugar, water and apple and lemon juice. This jam is wonderful with an intense grape flavor that is unmistakably concord grapes. I have always loved grape jam and grew up on Welches and this is so much better, my grand daughter proclaimed that it's the best she has ever tasted. This recipe is so simple, almost too simple and I almost didn't enter it but thought why not its really good. If you know how to process jam by all means do it, this should be used within a month or so it never lasts longer than a week in my house. —sdebrango

  • 2 pounds concord grapes cleaned and removed from stems
  • 2-3 cups sugar(if jam is too loose add the full amount of sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • juice of half a lemon
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 apple cored and quartered
  1. Place grapes, water, sugar, lemon juice, apple and salt in medium size saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil then reduce heat to med/low and simmer uncovered for 1 1/2 hours or until it reduces by about a third and becomes noticeably thicker.
  2. While the jam is bubbling away, sterilize 3 half pint jars and lids, lay on clean tea towel to drain and dry.
  3. When jam is ready place a strainer on a large (8 cup) heatproof glass measuring cup or bowl, you want to remove the skins and seeds but retain the pulp so really stir it, scraping the bottom of the strainer occasionally. Return the strained jam to saucepan and on med heat let it simmer another couple of minutes, just so its hot. Pour into clean jars, put lid on and let come to room temperature and place in the refrigerator overnight. By morning you will have a thick jam. You can also use sure-gell or pectin if that is how you usually make jam. NOTE: be sure to test the jam before pouring into the jars by putting a saucer in the freezer and spoon a little on the ice cold saucer, if it becomes thick it's ready to put in the jar.
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I have loved to cook for as long as I can remember, am self taught learning as I go. I come from a large Italian family and food was at the center of almost every gathering. My grandfather made his own wine and I remember the barrels of wine in the cellar of my grandfathers home, I watched my mother and aunts making homemade pasta and remember how wonderful it was to sit down to a truly amazing dinner. Cooking for me is a way to express myself its my creative outlet. I enjoy making all types of food but especially enjoy baking, I live in Brooklyn, NY, and I share my home with my two dogs Izzy and Nando. I like to collect cookbooks and scour magazines and newspapers for recipes. I hope one day to organize them.

20 Reviews

Nancy D. October 11, 2021
I had trouble getting it to set and then read that it’s not a good idea to double the recipe. I did end up recooking and adding a bit more sugar and lemon juice.
sdebrango October 11, 2021
I’ve had the same thing happen sometimes. Not sure why but maybe has something to do with the grape itself. Tweaking the recipe was a very good call. Last time I made it it set beautifully but the one I made before that batch I had to do the
Same thing. Thank you!! I have some grapes in the freezer ready for
Anothe batch this week.
dana_pal October 13, 2020
Uhhh… this is jelly, not jam. I just came home to my partner mixing all together the concord grapes that I painstakingly peeled for hours with my grandfather. Because in AN ACTUAL JAM RECIPE YOU WOULD NEVER STRAIN OUT THE DANG SKINS. You'd boil the shit out of the flesh and seeds and then strain out the seeds… AND ONLY THEN add the skins and juice back in.
sdebrango October 13, 2020
Hi Dana; technicality you are correct except that jelly is clear. In order to make this a proper jam you would need to remove the seeds before cooking the grapes so you do not have to strain. I honestly could not be bothered removing the seeds from all of those grapes so strained the whole thing pushing through as much of the pulp/skin as possible. It reminds me of the Welches grape jam I had as a child which was very smooth. The Jelly is clear with no pulp.
Barbara A. September 25, 2020
Made your simple concord grape jam yesterday, and it came out well! Delicious! Used the seeds and skins also. Poured boiling water over them and made small amount of grape juice. My daughter says that's an Italian thing in making some wines, and called it grapa? (not sure of spelling).
sdebrango September 26, 2020
So glad to hear you liked it!! You made grappa also!! I love Concord grapes, just got some and am making the jam today!! It is an Italian thing, my Italian grandfather made his own wine!!!
Kathie October 23, 2016
Delicious! but a bit runny even after being in frig all night. Im tempted to dump jam back pot and add some Sure-gell.
luvcookbooks October 7, 2012
I can smell the house while this is cooking... will try
Kukla October 6, 2012
The jam looks delicious Suzanne! If you decide to make a larger portion and sterilize it, don’t close the lids, just place them on top of the jars; then place the jars in one layer in a large wide pot lined with a tea towel, poor hot water into the pot to the necks of the jars. Simmer on the lowest heat for 20 to 25 minutes; then immediately very, very carefully get the jars out of the pot ( it would help to use a special seizure) and then tightly close the lids. Let slowly cool to room temperature and then store.
Diana L. July 18, 2020
I don't understand this changeup in the recipe. Does this replace something in her additional recipe or is it just one more step? I've never made jam, but this year will have concord grapes in my back yard (every year, something or someone would steal them. This year I have them covered!!
sdebrango July 18, 2020
Hi Diana, unfortunately Kukla passed away a few years ago. What she was suggesting is to preserve the jam as opposed to my method which is not preserved and must be refrigerated:
ashleychasesdinner October 5, 2012
Hello sdebrango! Can't wait to try this!
Bevi October 4, 2012
I love the simplicity of it!
lapadia October 4, 2012
Such a beautiful color!
inpatskitchen October 4, 2012
Oh my! My grandmother grew Concord grapes and made grape jam all the time and as a kid it was such a treat to visit and have her "grape jelly sandwiches". And now you've given us all an easy recipe! Thanks so much for sharing!
Madhuja October 4, 2012
This looks so delicious! I have never made jam before, but now I want to try it!
aargersi October 2, 2012
I have never made grape jam and now I want to! Nice teacup :-)
mrslarkin October 1, 2012
This is perfection. With toasted English muffins and a cuppa tea!
hardlikearmour October 1, 2012
Wow! Welches watch out!
hardlikearmour October 4, 2012
Jam is a good place to start - just need a water bath & no fancy equipment. You should take the plunge so you have some nice hostess or other gifts to give (hint, hint)!