
Mandarin Oatflour Olive Oil Muffins

January 17, 2013
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  • Makes 6 medium muffins
Author Notes

I recently moved to Italy for work and while I am in foodie heaven gorging on cheese, cured meats, fresh pasta, ice cream and pastries, all washed down with copious amounts of wine and cappucino (depending on the time of day), all these indulgences are making me feel a little guilty. I therefore set out to create a somewhat healthier muffin recipe, using oatflour and olive oil and only lightly sweetened, but full of flavour thanks to some grated mandarine zest. —Sophia R

  • 150g oat flour
  • 2 tablespoons spelt flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
  • 1 mandarine, zested
  • 50 milliliters olive oil
  • 90 milliliters buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees and lightly grease a muffin tin big enough to hold 6 medium muffins.
  2. Combine all the dry ingredients in one bowl, whisking together with a spoon. In a second bowl, whisk together the olive oil, buttermilk and egg.
  3. Pour the wet mix over the dry ingredients and carefully mix the two together using a fork. Don’t worry if there are still a few lumps, these will disappear in the oven.
  4. Distribute the batter between the muffin tins and bake for ca. 18-20 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of a muffin comes out clean.

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Hi, my name is Sophia and I have a passion (ok, maybe it is veering towards an obsession) for food and all things food-related: I read cookbooks for entertainment and sightseeing for me invariably includes walking up and down foreign supermarket aisles. I love to cook and bake but definitely play around more with sweet ingredients. Current obsessions include all things fennel (I hope there is no cure), substituting butter in recipes with browned butter, baking with olive oil, toasted rice ice cream, seeing whether there is anything that could be ruined by adding a few flakes of sea salt and, most recently, trying to bridge the gap between German, English and Italian Christmas baking – would it be wrong to make a minced meat filled Crostata?

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