
Earl Grey Vodkatini

February 11, 2013
2 Ratings
  • Makes 1 or 2
Author Notes

I drink tea, a lot, maybe not as much as coffee but I do love a good cup of tea and Earl Grey is one of my favorites, the perfumed tea leaves are heavenly. I watched Downton Abbey last night and one thing you see frequently is the cast enjoying a drink, usually it's either a cup of tea or an alcoholic beverage so I thought why not combine the two. I added 2 tsp of good loose Earl Grey tea to some vodka, let it sit at least 2 hours or overnight. So now I wondered how I would incorporate into a cocktail. I can't call this a martini, because it's not, so I thought a little citrus in the tea infused vodka might be nice. It really is. Serve very cold, Shaken not stirred with a twist of lemon or lime and watch the final episode of Downton next weekend and enjoy a Earl Grey Vodkatini, sigh....

  • 8 ounces vodka
  • 2 teaspoons heaping tsp loose earl grey tea
  • Make the drink
  • 4 ounces earl grey infused vodka
  • 1 tablespoon cointreau
  • orange or lemon peel to garnish
  • cocktail shaker and ice
  1. Place vodka and tea in lidded container, give it a good shake and let sit at least 2 hours at room temperature or preferably overnight in the refrigerator. Strain tea leaves before using.
  2. Put ice in cocktail shaker add vodka and cointreau, shake and strain into martini glass, garnish with orange or lemon twist. Note: give the lemon or orange twist a squeeze to release the oils before putting in drink.

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I have loved to cook for as long as I can remember, am self taught learning as I go. I come from a large Italian family and food was at the center of almost every gathering. My grandfather made his own wine and I remember the barrels of wine in the cellar of my grandfathers home, I watched my mother and aunts making homemade pasta and remember how wonderful it was to sit down to a truly amazing dinner. Cooking for me is a way to express myself its my creative outlet. I enjoy making all types of food but especially enjoy baking, I live in Brooklyn, NY, and I share my home with my two dogs Izzy and Nando. I like to collect cookbooks and scour magazines and newspapers for recipes. I hope one day to organize them.

8 Reviews

boulangere February 18, 2013
How did this get past me?! Divine!
Kitchen B. February 18, 2013
yum, somehow, I'm thinking of this as a sorbet, and a cupcake frosting! Weird, I know but I LOVE Early Grey too, though Lady Grey is my ultimate.
Kitchen B. February 21, 2013
Can I promise to bring some on a planned NY trip later in the year :-)

Or we could make them together :-)! Just a thought!!
lapadia February 18, 2013
Earl Grey and vodka...Right up my alley!
Passion February 14, 2013
This wins my vote! I second wssmom. The sky is the limit with this brilliant creation - orange spice, ginger, basil, cinnamon, mint......... Love this site.
wssmom February 13, 2013
you are nothing short of BRILLIANT!! Love this!!
hardlikearmour February 12, 2013
I love Earl Grey & am a fan of cocktails so I am sure I'd love this! It also makes me wonder how Earl Grey infused white dog whiskey would be.
CarlaCooks February 12, 2013
This looks lovely! I will be trying this very soon. My husband made a little batch of cardamom snaps, and it might make an interesting vodkatini as well.