Make Ahead

Smoked tea-quila-quat fizz

February 13, 2013
3 Ratings
  • Serves 4ish
Author Notes

I've been obsessed with the combination of smoked tea and orange for some time and have put it in everything from slow-cooked pork to ice cream. Every year we send out a New Year's card and include a food and drink recipe. This year the food was a grilled cumin lamb which I thought would be fabulous with a smoked tea, orange-laced cocktail. Lime and ginger seemed obvious pairings and the cassis was a touch I had enjoyed in a mezcal drink at a local restaurant. This makes a great mocktail as well and can be made with orange in lieu of kumquats. —savorthis

  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup kumquats, sliced (plus some for garnish)
  • 2 lapsang souchong teabags
  • 2 ounces lime juice (plus lime for garnish)
  • 4 ounces 100% agave tequila
  • 8 ounces ginger beer
  • cassis
  1. Simmer water with sugar and kumquats about 10 minutes or until simple syrup is very orange-y. Steep tea bags in syrup 5 minutes, remove tea bags and cool.
  2. I used ounces, but the basic proportion for each drink is: mix 1 part tequila, 2 parts tea, 1/2 part lime juice in a shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a cup and add 2 parts cold ginger beer. Pour a tablespoon or so of cassis over a spoon against the edge of the glass. Garnish with thin slices of kumquat and lime and (optionally) grated frozen ginger.

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Co-Owner/Designer @ Where Wood Meets Steel-Custom Furniture

2 Reviews

hardlikearmour February 13, 2013
Gorgeous! Love your flavor combo.
savorthis February 14, 2013
Thanks! I discovered the steeped kumquats made a fun snack too...