5 Ingredients or Fewer

Sheep & Cow's Milk Cultured Butter & Buttermilk

March 23, 2013
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  • Serves many
Author Notes

sheep & cow's milk cultured butter. cultured butter is a blessing, it's a real butter full of grassy undertones and delicious sweet cream. it's something you will smile at and enjoy without guilt. —eyeoftheavocado

  • 1 pint raw cream
  • 3 tablespoons good quality sheep's yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  1. to make the butter you simply add the cream to a good size bowl with high walls, whisk it a bit.
  2. secondly, add the yogurt to the cream w/ the salt and again whisk a bit. let sit in a warm area for 8 hours or over night to culture.
  3. post culturing, put the ingredients in a mixer fitted w/ a paddle. once you have a lump of butter in a pool of buttermilk. shift the lump in a colander. save the buttermilk!
  4. flatten the butter lump and chill for 30 min.
  5. knead it under water in a bowl, removing the trapped pockets of buttermilk in the butter. it will sour the butter. let it dry out a bit. put it in a butter keeper or wrap it in parchment and refrigerate.
  6. voila! you have the uttermost delicious butter & buttermilk ready for countless adventures, you will never want to go back to store bought.

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