
French baguette sandwich

July 31, 2013
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

A french baguette sandwich perfect for lunch in the park! —Vassia Simou

  • 1 baguette
  • 3 leeks
  • brie
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • salt and pepper
  1. Start by caramelising the leeks. Add the butter in the pan to melt and then add the leeks with the brown sugar on low heat and stir. When they turn transparent and brown (but not burnt) they will be ready.
  2. Add some salt and pepper at the end.
  3. Cut the baguette lengthwise and fill it with the caramelised leeks, the brie and the beetroots in this order.

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