Make Ahead

Tomato in Chilled Soy Sauce Marinade with Shiso

August 13, 2013
4 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

We love summer raw vine-ripened tomatoes, but three servings a day can get repetitive so I began to experiment with soy sauce based dressings. This is a simple dish to let the tomato flavors shine. —BoulderGalinTokyo

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  • 4 large Heirloom tomatoes, very-ripe,
  • 1/2 cup Vinegar, (rice vinegar gives a better color, but cider gives a fruitier taste)
  • 3 tablespoons Agave, honey or diet sweetener (taste to equal 3 tablespoons, usually 1 tablespoon), sugar is OK too)
  • 1/2 cup Soy sauce, Kikkoman low-sodium preferred
  • 1/2 cup Walnut oil (vegetable ok)
  • 4 Shiso leaves
  1. Peel tomatoes (see NOTE) and cut into one-inch chunks. Put tomatoes in a non-reactive container, preferably with a lid.
  2. Mix sweetener in vinegar and soy sauce until dissolved. Add oil and whisk to mix. Pour over tomatoes.
  3. Chill for a couple of hours. Stir once and taste if sweet enough (will depend on your tomatoes). Add a little more if desired. Chill for 24 hours.
  4. To Serve: Cut the shiso leaves in thin strips (chiffonade). Serve tomatoes in individual bowls with shiso leaves sprinkled on top.
  5. NOTE * To Peel Tomatoes:: Prepare an ice-bath. Boil enough water to completely cover a tomato in a small saucepan. Submerge tomato in boiling water for about 45 seconds, then immediately remove to the ice bath. If the tomato skin hasn't cracked open, knick it with a sharp knife, then the peeling should just fall away. Repeat for all the tomatoes.

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6 Reviews

savorthis September 23, 2013
I have everything for this except the shiso...must make a trip to the asian market to try it with the last of our tomatoes.
BoulderGalinTokyo September 2, 2014
Hi Savorthis, I used shiso to keep the Asian theme, but mint would work, as well as a scoop of grated daikon.
susan G. September 5, 2013
This is so delicious, even when it was just combined. The next day it really bloomed. Have you tried using the marinade with other foods?
BoulderGalinTokyo September 6, 2013
I'm thrilled you liked it, Susan G!

It is really great scooped onto silken tofu (try to find the Morinaga Brand in the sealed package). My daughter loves it served over leftover macaroni or rigatonni. If you finish the tomatoes, don't throw away the dressing--it's great on grilled or steamed Asian eggplants. Let me know if you discover something else!
BoulderGalinTokyo August 23, 2013
The sweetness of the tomatoes is really brought out by the soy sauce, a very clean simple taste, thank you Susan G. (The dish was a freebie from my supermarket on New Year's- priceless!)
susan G. August 13, 2013
I like the clean-ness of the tastes... and that beautiful dish!