
Cannoli From a Lazy Girl

August 18, 2013
1 Ratings
Photo by blogspot.com
  • Makes 10 to 12
Author Notes

The only way you can walk me away from a chocolate dessert is to direct me towards a cheese one...love them!And I love my lazy canollis cause I'm not exactly the best pastry chef,but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. —mensaque

  • 6 lasagna sheets
  • 1 pound ricotta cheese
  • 100 grams mozzarella cheese
  • a few drops of vanilla essence
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup of heavy cream
  • about 2 cups frying oil (I use soybean)
  1. First to make the pipes...cannoli...cut the lasagna sheets in half and you should end up with 4inches squares.One cannolo at time,rub some water in one side,overlap it around a wooden spoon and press it.I go against tradition and do it in a right angle;more filling...hum...Take it to the hot,hot,hot oil,still aroud the spoon,and dip the bottom tip till it forms bubbles on the pastry.Carefull now,I don't want you to get burned!Take it off the oil,and still carefully,turn it around and do it to the other side and finally get rid of the spoon and lay the whole thing in the hot oil.Turn it a few times so the center won't shut and leave it till golden.I like mine lighter,but once you've "molded" one,you can start on another one cause they take a while to brown. Of course,if you have some of those cute cannoli rolls,use them...
  2. Once you've fried all your cannoli,start on the filling.Everything goes in the food processor:ricotta,mozzarella(for a salty touch),sugar,vanilla and heavy cream.You're done with the filling!
  3. Fill the cannoli using a pastry bag.I like mine at room temp and also I don't sprinkle them with sugar cause it makes them a bit too dry for my taste.That's why my filling has lots of sugar in.Also,the fried lasagna pastry gets this glow and looks pretty good just laying there all creamy and glowie!

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