
Ms. Em's Bread

November  5, 2013
0 Ratings
  • Makes 1 loaf
Author Notes

My Aunt Emily (that’s right, Auntie Em!) spent the first fifteen years of her marriage on a remote farm in what we called the “wilderness” of Colorado. She had plenty of time to experiment in the kitchen and became an incredible self-taught cook and baker. I imagine her as a young wife, the winds of the Rockies howling outside her door and her warm kitchen full of the comforting smell of baking bread. This recipe has been passed through the family as it is easy and delicious. I make multiple batches for Christmas presents that tend to garner multiple requests for the recipe. Similar to a French loaf in style, it’s perfect as a side for hearty cool-weather favorites like stews and pot roasts. —Carrie Morey

  • 1 packet dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more for sprinkling on top
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups chilled water
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 8 inch bread loaf pan
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm water and set aside.
  3. Mix four, salt, and sugar. Add yeast.
  4. Mix well and then add chilled water, little by little. The dough will be wet.
  5. Cover dough with damp towel and let sit for 45 minutes.
  6. Coat loaf pan with ½?1 teaspoon olive oil.
  7. Put dough in pan.
  8. Brush top with remaining olive oil and sprinkle top with kosher salt, about ¼ teaspoon.
  9. Bake at 425 degrees for 25?30 minutes or until golden brown and sides of dough pull away from pan.

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9 Reviews

Regine November 23, 2013
How long is your bread. I ll have to buy a french loaf pan. I used an 8 inch disposable loaf pan but maybe my bread should be longer and narrower, which might explain why mine took longer to brown on top.... Will make more over the holidays
Regine November 23, 2013
Thanks Carrie. I figured it out before seeing your response. Maybe you can specify this further in recipe so that others don't bother you like me. 0). I will certainly make it again. But I will wait to hear from you regarding what the inside texture is supposed to look like. Like you said it is indeed crunchy outside and moist and chewy inside.
Regine November 23, 2013
I guessed bread was supposed to be poured not shaped into loaf pan. So I did just that after 1 hr resting period. I thought dough was supposed to rise more so I went beyond the 45 min but when I saw it was not after 1 hr, I put it in oven. After 30 min, top was not brown at all so i baked for 10 more minutes. Bread is surprisingly good but I have one question. Is the inside supposed to be a bit moist as if inside could have cooked longer or is it supposed to be that way? My 9 yr old son liked it but he asked me if the inside was supposed to have been a bit drier. Thanks
Carrie M. November 23, 2013
It should take 45 minutes and the dough should be wet and pour right out of the bowl into your French loaf pans...
Regine November 23, 2013
Hmm. My dough is now 25 minutes into resting period, and it is so so wet/soft that I am wondering if I will be able to shape it into loaf pan. Wondering if I did something wrong but i followed all instructions to the "t." Kitchen is very cold so I don't know if the 45 minute resting period will be enough. Not sure if dough is supposed to change consistency drastically during these 45 minutes.
Regine November 18, 2013
Carrie, this is unbelievable, that you don't need to knead it. Will make it soon. Thanks! You should call recipe Mrs. Em's Magical No Knead Bread. LOL
Carrie M. November 18, 2013
I do not knead the dough--that is the beauty of this recipe and 1 packet of yeast is 2 1/4 teaspoons!
CarlaCooks November 14, 2013
This looks lovely, and I loved the accompanying article on your Aunt. I'd love to make this soon, but a quick question: how many grams of yeast are in a standard packet of dry yeast? (sorry, I don't live in the States)
Regine November 11, 2013
Question. You did not specify if this dough needs to be kneaded until it reaches the windowpane test. Can you please specify. Sorry if I misread. In my excitement to read recipe, I might have missed something in your story about this bread. Thanks