Cream Cheese

Mashed Potato and Turnip Gratin

November 12, 2013
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4-6
Author Notes

I know what you are thinking…TURNIPS???…. but just try this recipe and you will have a whole new out­look on how to use turnips. I served this dish at a din­ner party and my friends said they were the best mashed pota­toes they have ever eaten. The turnips give a sub­tle, fresh fla­vor. This is more of a mashed potato dish than a gratin. Please double the recipe if you have more than 6 guests for dinner.
Katheryn's Kitchen

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  • 4 tablespoons Unsalted butter, softened, will need more for the baking dish
  • 3 Medium potatoes, preferably Yukon Gold, peeled and cut into 1 1/2 chunks- really any type of potato would work
  • 1 Small turnip, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks
  • Salt
  • 4 ounces Cream cheese softened and cut into chunks
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dry Mustard
  • 1/2 cup Grated parmesan cheese
  • Whole milk as needed or use whatever milk you have on hand
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. But­ter an 8×11-inch bak­ing dish and set aside.
  2. Put the pota­toes and turnip in a 5– to 6-quart pot or Dutch oven and cover with cool water by about 1 inch (the turnip will float to the top). Add 1/2 tsp. salt and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium, cover par­tially, and cook until the pota­toes are very ten­der and the turnip is soft, about 25 minutes.
  3. Drain the veg­eta­bles and return them to the pot. Set over medium heat for a minute or two, shak­ing and stir­ring to rid them of excess mois­ture and steam.
  4. Trans­fer the veg­eta­bles to a stand mixer fit­ted with the pad­dle attach­ment (or use a large mix­ing bowl and an elec­tric hand mixer). On low speed, break up the veg­eta­bles until the pota­toes are smooth and there are small chunks of turnip in the mix­ture. Grad­u­ally add the cream cheese, increase the speed to medium, and beat until absorbed. Grad­u­ally add the but­ter and beat until absorbed. Add the mus­tard and half of the parme­san and beat until com­bined. If the purée seems too dry, add enough milk to make it light and fluffy but not wet. (You may not need to use any milk.) Sea­son to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. Trans­fer the mash to the pre­pared bak­ing dish, smooth­ing the top with a spat­ula. Sprin­kle the remain­ing cheese on top.
  6. Posi­tion a rack in the cen­ter of the oven and heat the oven to 375°F. If the gratin was made assem­bled ahead and refrig­er­ated, let it sit at room tem­per­a­ture while the oven heats. Bake uncov­ered until heated though and the top is golden, about 40 min­utes for a refrig­er­ated gratin or about 20 min­utes for a freshly made gratin. Let sit for 10 min­utes before serving. The gratin may be made 2 days ahead, up to the point of bak­ing. Cover it with plas­tic wrap and refrig­er­ate it.

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2 Reviews

Judith K. February 16, 2019
I made this for dinner tonight. It turned out great. My husband loved it. I served it with baked salmon and steamed mini bell peppers. Delicious and colorful meal.
Katheryn's K. February 17, 2019
Thank you so much! Funny thing, I haven’t made this dish for a long time, like a few years but made yesterday for a friends dinner party, and it was a winner!